(pp.003-016) C. Ratiu and B. B. Anderson ‘Perspectives on sustainable development’, World Sustainable Development Outlook, 2014 1 file(s) 1114 downloads
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(pp.017-034) A. Al-Roubaie and S. Alvi ‘Knowledge transfer for sustainable development: East-West collaboration’, World Sustainable Development Outlook, 2014 1 file(s) 1145 downloads
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(pp.035-055) C. T. Sirsly ‘Sustainability measures: serving stakeholder needs beyond shareholderst’, World Sustainable Development Outlook, 2014 1 file(s) 1161 downloads
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(pp.059-075) O.D. Kolawole, P. Wolski, B. Ngwenya, G. Mmopelwa and O. Thakadu ‘Responding to climate change through joint partnership in Botswana’, World Sustainable Development Outlook, 2014 1 file(s) 1129 downloads
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(pp.077-097) Z. Khan, K. Siriram and K. Griegg ‘Fiscal incentives promoting REEE measures in Trinidad and Tobago’, World Sustainable Development Outlook, 2014 1 file(s) 1135 downloads
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(pp.099-115) R. Kumar, P. Parida, S. Shukla and W. Saleh ‘Idling emission at signalised intersection – a case study in Delhi’, World Sustainable Development Outlook, 2014 1 file(s) 1107 downloads
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(pp.119-134) P. N. Desai ‘Technology foresight in the Indian biotechnology innovation systemt’, World Sustainable Development Outlook, 2014 1 file(s) 1150 downloads
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(pp.135-158) S. S. O. M. Nour ‘Overview of technology transfer in the manufacturing industries in the Arab countries: the case of UAE and Sudan’, World Sustainable Development Outlook, 2014 1 file(s) 1107 downloads
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(pp.159-172) A. S Olusegun ‘Development of jam from tea infusion and tropical fruit dietary fibre’, World Sustainable Development Outlook, 2014 1 file(s) 1086 downloads
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(pp.173-191) S. K. Shrestha ‘Sustainable soil management practices – a key to combat soil desertification in the hills of Nepal’, World Sustainable Development Outlook, 2014 1 file(s) 1235 downloads
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(PP.193-203) L. A. Odunmbaku, J. M. Babjide and A. S. Olusegun ‘Characterisation of principal chemical components of Nigerian tea clones’, World Sustainable Development Outlook, 2014 1 file(s) 931 downloads
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(pp.207-227) A. Al-Roubaie and R. S. Younis ‘Building innovation capacity for knowledge creation in GCC countries’, World Sustainable Development Outlook, 2014 1 file(s) 360 downloads
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(pp.229-246) S. S. O. M. Nour ‘Challenges and opportunities for transition to a knowledge-based economy in the Arab region’, World Sustainable Development Outlook, 2014 1 file(s) 895 downloads
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(pp.247-264) K. M. Y. Mohammad and D. Budgen ‘A review of experience-based knowledge about web service composition’, World Sustainable Development Outlook, 2014 1 file(s) 367 downloads
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(pp.267-283) S. Joshi ‘Performance of knowledge-intensive business services in India’, World Sustainable Development Outlook, 2014 1 file(s) 1076 downloads
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(pp.285-306) E. M. Ahmed and R. S. Beheshti ‘The effects of intellectual capital on top-performing Iranian firms’, World Sustainable Development Outlook, 2014 1 file(s) 1182 downloads
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(pp.309-318) L. K. Brackett and B. N. Carr ‘Sustainability marketing: US hotels vs. international hotel chains’, World Sustainable Development Outlook, 2014 1 file(s) 1068 downloads
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(pp.319-337) N. Onel and Mukherjee ‘An integrative research perspective to understand environmentally sensitive consumer behaviours’, World Sustainable Development Outlook, 2014 1 file(s) 321 downloads
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(pp.339-355) R. Jaggernath and Z. Khan ‘Green supply chain management’, World Sustainable Development Outlook, 2014 1 file(s) 1138 downloads
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(pp.359-378) H. M. Al-Mubaraki, A. H. Muhammad and M. Busler ‘Categories of incubator success’, World Sustainable Development Outlook, 2014 1 file(s) 866 downloads
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(pp.379-392) E. Emansori ‘Business incubators in the Arab world, World Sustainable Development Outlook, 2014 1 file(s) 419 downloads
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(pp.393-407) O. D. Kolawole and K. Ajila ‘Driving local community transformation through participatory rural entrepreneurship development’, World Sustainable Development Outlook, 2014 1 file(s) 1158 downloads
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(pp.411-425) Ahmad, L. S. M. & Daw, A. S. D. B. “Compliance with AAOIFI guidelines in general presentation and disclosure by Libyan Islamic banks” 1 file(s) 967 downloads
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(pp.427-439) B. B. Anderson ‘Corrupting activities and economic development’, World Sustainable Development Outlook, 2014 1 file(s) 927 downloads
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(pp.443-454) M. Busler ‘The relationship between corruption and government involvement in economic activity’, World Sustainable Development Outlook, 2014 1 file(s) 337 downloads
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(pp.455-468) A. M. Al-Atawi, Kumar and W. Saleh ‘Traffic accident reductions in Saudi Arabia: barriers and the way forward’, World Sustainable Development Outlook, 2014 1 file(s) 371 downloads
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(pp.469-482) H. Hamrawi ‘Design and implementation of computer science curriculum in extreme conditions’, World Sustainable Development Outlook, 2014 1 file(s) 902 downloads
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(pp.485-502) R. Mahabir and D. Ramrattan ‘Influences on the gender wage gap of Trinidad and Tobago: an economic concept or a social construct?’, World Sustainable Development Outlook, 2014 1 file(s) 1144 downloads
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(pp.503-526) L. A. Khalfalla and E. M. Ahmed ‘The impact of privatisation on the position of Sudanese women’, World Sustainable Development Outlook, 2014 1 file(s) 1163 downloads
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A review of experience-based knowledge about web service composition 1 file(s) 299 downloads
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15th August 2014
An integrative research perspective to understand environmentally sensitive consumer behaviours 1 file(s) 291 downloads
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15th August 2014
Building innovation capacity for knowledge creation in GCC countries 1 file(s) 291 downloads
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15th August 2014
Business incubators in the Arab world 1 file(s) 307 downloads
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15th August 2014
Categories of incubator success 1 file(s) 796 downloads
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15th August 2014
Challenges and opportunities for transition to a knowledge-based economy in the Arab region 1 file(s) 800 downloads
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15th August 2014
Characterisation of principal chemical components of Nigerian tea clones 1 file(s) 833 downloads
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15th August 2014
Compliance with AAOIFI guidelines in general presentation and disclosure by Libyan Islamic banks 1 file(s) 872 downloads
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15th August 2014
Corrupting activities and economic development 1 file(s) 768 downloads
Outlook, Outlook 2014
15th August 2014
Design and implementation of computer science curriculum in extreme conditions 1 file(s) 866 downloads
Outlook, Outlook 2014
15th August 2014
Development of jam from tea infusion and tropical fruit dietary fibre 1 file(s) 943 downloads
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15th August 2014
Driving local community transformation through participatory rural entrepreneurship development 1 file(s) 1068 downloads
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15th August 2014
Fiscal incentives promoting REEE measures in Trinidad and Tobago 1 file(s) 975 downloads
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15th August 2014
Green supply chain management 1 file(s) 993 downloads
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15th August 2014
Idling emission at signalised intersection – a case study in Delhi 1 file(s) 1008 downloads
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15th August 2014
Influences on the gender wage gap of Trinidad and Tobago: an economic concept or a social construct? 1 file(s) 1051 downloads
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15th August 2014
Knowledge transfer for sustainable development: East-West collaboration 1 file(s) 988 downloads
Outlook, Outlook 2014
15th August 2014
Overview of technology transfer in the manufacturing industries in the Arab countries: the case of UAE and Sudan 1 file(s) 996 downloads
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15th August 2014
Performance of knowledge-intensive business services in India 1 file(s) 982 downloads
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15th August 2014
Perspectives on sustainable development 1 file(s) 998 downloads
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15th August 2014
Responding to climate change through joint partnership in Botswana 1 file(s) 1028 downloads
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15th August 2014
Sustainability marketing: US hotels vs. international hotel chains 1 file(s) 1003 downloads
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15th August 2014
Sustainability measures: serving stakeholder needs beyond shareholders 1 file(s) 1034 downloads
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15th August 2014
Sustainable soil management practices – a key to combat soil desertification in the hills of Nepal 1 file(s) 1069 downloads
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15th August 2014
Technology foresight in the Indian biotechnology innovation system 1 file(s) 1040 downloads
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15th August 2014
The effects of intellectual capital on top-performing Iranian firms 1 file(s) 1066 downloads
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15th August 2014
The impact of privatisation on the position of Sudanese women 1 file(s) 1065 downloads
Outlook, Outlook 2014
15th August 2014
The relationship between corruption and government involvement in economic activity 1 file(s) 284 downloads
Outlook, Outlook 2014
15th August 2014
Traffic accident reductions in Saudi Arabia: barriers and the way forward 1 file(s) 299 downloads
Outlook, Outlook 2014
15th August 2014