(pp.285-306) E. M. Ahmed and R. S. Beheshti ‘The effects of intellectual capital on top-performing Iranian firms’, World Sustainable Development Outlook, 2014
Purpose – The objective of this paper is to measure intellectual capital (IC) in top-performing Iranian firms.
Design/methodology/approach – There are different approaches based on the measurement of organizations intangible assets, therefore managers who are going to focus on IC as a performance driver do not know how to choose “the right” approach. This research tries to shed light on this problem by calculating different measures and investigating their relationships. Data for this research are gathered from the publicly published data of Iranian firms by the Iranian stock market’s website, and the companies were chosen from the IMI-100 list, which ranks Iranian large firms based on their net sales annually. IC is measured based on three different measures which have been chosen from the extended literature review conducted in this research, namely Market to Book Value (MBV), Scandia and Value Added Intellectual Capital (VAIC)
Findings – Researchers have investigated the relationship between different IC measures. The results indicate that these three indices are correlated.
Originality/value – One index could be used to represent the three IC indices.
Keywords Intellectual capital, Iranian Firms, measurement performance
Paper type Research paper
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