(pp.319-337) N. Onel and Mukherjee ‘An integrative research perspective to understand environmentally sensitive consumer behaviours’, World Sustainable Development Outlook, 2014
DOI: 10.47556/B.OUTLOOK2014.12.18
Purpose – The potential underlying factors of environmental behaviours have been examined from various theoretical angles by mostly focusing on individual motivations in the literature. The aim of this study is to develop a conceptual model based on an integrative approach to better understand eco-sensitive consumer behaviours.
Design/methodology/approach – The paper reviews distinct theoretical approaches and, based on the integrative perspective, develops a model using the framework of the Goal Framing Theory (GFT).
Findings – On the basis of the GFT, we propose that twelve variables influence the pro-environmental behaviours of consumers: (1) biospheric values, (2) egoistic values, (3) altruistic values, (4) environmental concern, (5) awareness of consequences, (6) ascription of responsibility, (7) subjective norms, (8) attitudes towards behaviour, (9) perceived behavioural control, (10) personal norms, (11) affect, and (12) behavioural intention. Furthermore, we categorize behavioural outcomes based on different stages of the consumption process of consumers: namely purchase, usage and post-use.
Originality/value – The proposed model will help future studies to analyse those factors that predict environmentally sensitive behaviours of consumers and explore the extent to which such behaviours depend mostly on moral considerations, feelings, or self-interest motives.
Keywords Environmentally sensitive behaviour, Goal Framing Theory, Theory of Planned Behaviour, Affect, Values Beliefs Norms, Environmental concern, Green Consumer Behaviour
Paper type Research paper
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