A conceptual framework for performance management of education in Nigeria, Abdulrazaq A. Adigun 1 file(s) 244 downloads
IJSR, IJSR V6 N1 2016
11th August 2015
An innovative system of science and technology model: use of statistical method survey and information network, Siraj Osman Omer 1 file(s) 201 downloads
IJSR, IJSR V2 N2 2012
26th November 2012
Application and assessment of earth compostation approach during composting of household wastes, Dr. Sarra Saad 1 file(s) 202 downloads
IJSR, IJSR V3 N1 2013
3rd February 2013
Assessment of the gender gap in Sudan, Dr. Samia S. O. M. Nour 1 file(s) 210 downloads
IJSR, IJSR V4 N1 2014
8th August 2013
Assessment of water users associations in spate irrigation systems: case study of Gash Delta agricultural corporation, Sudan, Eltigani E. Bashier, Ali M. Adeeb and Hassan M. Ahmed 1 file(s) 226 downloads
IJSR, IJSR V4 N2 2014
7th September 2014
Biodegradation of total petroleum hydrocarbons in Shambat soil, Sudan, Nuhad M. A. Eltayeb, Dr. Sarra A. M. Saad, Rayan M. A. Madani and Elamin A. Elamin 1 file(s) 229 downloads
IJSR, IJSR V2 N2 2012
26th November 2012
Captive behavioural patterns of the red-necked ostrich, Elobeid A. Elobied, Dr. Aisha E. Mohamed, Hussein A. El-obeid, Hajer I. M. Osman and Ahmed El-Amin 1 file(s) 206 downloads
IJSR, IJSR V2 N2 2012
26th November 2012
Captive red-necked ostrich (struthio camelus camelus) internal egg physical characteristics and chemical values, Elobeid A. Elobeid, Dr. Aisha E. Mohamed and Ahmed E. Mohamed 1 file(s) 183 downloads
IJSR, IJSR V3 N1 2013
3rd February 2013
Challenges of using information and communication technologies to disseminate agricultural information to farmers in Sudan, Nada Musa, Jason Githeko and Prof. Kamal El-Siddig 1 file(s) 2707 downloads
IJSR, IJSR V3 N2 2013
9th June 2013
Compost economize use of irrigation water for sorghum production (Sorghum bicolor) in a sandy soil, Abutalib B. G. Mohammed and Mubarak A. Abdalla 1 file(s) 195 downloads
IJSR, IJSR V4 N2 2014
7th September 2014
Continuing professional development in medical and health professions, Prof. Ahmed H. Fahal 1 file(s) 191 downloads
IJSR, IJSR V1 N1 2010
8th October 2010
Creating a supportive and sustainable environment for basic medical education: the experience of Nile college Sudan, Dr. Sumaia Al-Fadil and Prof. Mohammed Y. Sukkar 1 file(s) 233 downloads
IJSR, IJSR V6 N2 2016
12th October 2015
Design and implementation of computer science curriculum in extreme conditions, Hussam Hamrawi 1 file(s) 266 downloads
IJSR, IJSR V5 N1 2015
1st May 2015
Diasppora contribution to public health in Sudan, Dr. Muna I. Abdel Aziz, Dr. Safa I. A. Abdalla, Dr. Mayada Abuaffan, Dr. Ishraqa M. A. Awad, Dr. Moneim Elhassan, Dr. Rida Y. Elkheir, Dr. Maha Elliser, Dr. Basma El-Safi, Dr. Victor Joseph and Dr. Huda H. Mohamed 1 file(s) 216 downloads
IJSR, IJSR V6 N1 2016
11th August 2015
Economics of main food legume crops marketing in river Nile state of Sudan, Dr. Elgilany A. Ahmed and Prof. Hamid H. M. Faki 1 file(s) 172 downloads
IJSR, IJSR V5 N1 2015
1st May 2015
Economics of main organic perennial food crops production and marketing in River Nile State of Sudan, Dr. Elgilany A. Ahmed and Prof. Hamid H. M. Faki 1 file(s) 211 downloads
IJSR, IJSR V4 N2 2014
7th September 2014
Education in post-independence Sudan: a critical assessment, Dr. Adil A. Dafa’Alla, Elmouiz S. Hussein and Marwan A. A. Adam 1 file(s) 177 downloads
IJSR, IJSR V6 N1 2016
11th August 2015
Effect of seeding rate on growth and yield of two alfalfa (medicago sativa l.) cultivars, Elfatih M. Abdel-Rahman and Dr. Awad O. M. Abu-Suwar 1 file(s) 185 downloads
IJSR, IJSR V2 N2 2012
26th November 2012
Effect of some cultural practices on common scab (Streptomyces scabies [Thaxter]) of potato at two production sites in Khartoum State, Nafisa H. Baldo and Dr. Moawia Y. Babiker 1 file(s) 181 downloads
IJSR, IJSR V3 N2 2013
9th June 2013
Effects of application of different fertilizers on Okra growth and soil quality, Sara H. A. M. Khair, Dr. Sarra A. M. Saad, Babiker M. Elamin, Abutalib B. G. Mohammed and Abdelkarim S. Ali 1 file(s) 214 downloads
IJSR, IJSR V4 N2 2014
7th September 2014
Efficacy of nano curcumin in F2-isoprostanes in male rats treated with Cisplatin and Methotrexate as chemotherapy drugs, Dr. Soheir N. Abd El-Rahman and Suhailah S. Al-Jameel 1 file(s) 206 downloads
IJSR, IJSR V4 N2 2014
7th September 2014
Evaluation of fertility potential of Balanites Aegyptiaca Sapogenin extract in male rats, Dr. Soheir N. Abd El-Rahman and Haya Al-Ahmari 1 file(s) 200 downloads
IJSR, IJSR V3 N1 2013
3rd February 2013
Evaluation of normal female Sudanese pelvic anatomy using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), Dr. Caroline E. Ayad, Alsafi A. A. Bala and Abd Elmagied S. Merghani 1 file(s) 192 downloads
IJSR, IJSR V2 N2 2012
26th November 2012
Exploring the contribution of student engagement for enhancing teaching quality in the tertiary education landscape of Mauritius, Sharmila Pudaruth and Sharonne C. L. Wan 1 file(s) 217 downloads
IJSR, IJSR V3 N2 2013
9th June 2013
Germination behaviour of Guizotia abyssinica (L.f.) Cass. (Niger) as influenced by some special treatments, Sumeet Dwivedi 1 file(s) 194 downloads
IJSR, IJSR V4 N1 2014
8th August 2013
Growth performance and slaughter parameters of guinea fowl keets (Numida meleagris) fed different levels of protein and energy, Zohair M. M. Elhag, Aisha E. Mohamed and Ali S. Mohamed 1 file(s) 204 downloads
IJSR, IJSR V2 N1 2011
5th June 2012
Guinea fowl (Numida meleagris) as a meat bird, Dr. Aisha E. Mohamed, Zohair M. M. Elhag and Ali S. Mohamed 1 file(s) 2615 downloads
IJSR, IJSR V2 N1 2011
5th June 2012
Housing as process: towards a multi-sectoral approach to urban poverty reduction in Khartoum, Tasneem Nagi and Budoor Bukhari 1 file(s) 240 downloads
IJSR, IJSR V6 N2 2016
12th October 2015
IJSR welcome editorial, Dr. Allam Ahmed 1 file(s) 184 downloads
IJSR, IJSR V1 N1 2010
8th October 2010
Impact of chicken manure and sowing methods on alfalfa (medicago sativa l.) growth, forage yield and some quality attributes, Abdella B. A. Eltegani and Elfatih M. Abdel-Rahman 1 file(s) 223 downloads
IJSR, IJSR V3 N1 2013
3rd February 2013
Mind mapping: An active visual, non-linear tool for augmenting student-learning strategy, underutilized in Sudanese medical education, Dr. Nahlaa A. Khalifa 1 file(s) 226 downloads
IJSR, IJSR V6 N1 2016
11th August 2015
On liberal individualism, communitarianism and Ubuntu society in South Africa, Khali Victor Mofuoa 1 file(s) 210 downloads
IJSR, IJSR V2 N2 2012
26th November 2012
Overview of technology transfer in the manufacturing industries in the Arab countries: the case of UAE and Sudan, Dr. Samia S. O. M. Nour 1 file(s) 208 downloads
IJSR, IJSR V5 N1 2015
1st May 2015
Poverty and agricultural development in Sudan, Dr. Raga M. Elzaki, Prof. Eltighani M. Elamin and Shams Eldien H. Ahmed 1 file(s) 197 downloads
IJSR, IJSR V1 N1 2010
8th October 2010
Red-necked ostrich (Struthio camelus camelus) egg production, external characteristics and hatchability, Elobeid A. Elobeid, Dr. Aisha E. Mohamed and Ahmed El-Amin 1 file(s) 1963 downloads
IJSR, IJSR V1 N1 2010
8th October 2010
Reporting and information deficiencies: a challenge for assessment of healthcare initiatives in Sudan, Dr. Anoud R. Omer and Prof. Asma El-Sony 1 file(s) 200 downloads
IJSR, IJSR V6 N1 2016
11th August 2015
Response of groundnut and faba bean to organic chemical and microbial fertilizers in three types of soils, Sudan, Thuraya Mohammed, Elsiddig Elsheikh and Awad Mohamed 1 file(s) 212 downloads
IJSR, IJSR V4 N1 2014
8th August 2013
Sudan regional stand in knowledge economy development, Dr. Ibrahim M. A. Alfaki 1 file(s) 229 downloads
IJSR, IJSR V6 N2 2016
12th October 2015
Sudanese immigrant families’ structure and living arrangements in the UAE, Dr. Musa Shallal 1 file(s) 192 downloads
IJSR, IJSR V3 N2 2013
9th July 2013
Sudanese memory institutions and digital technologies, Rafaa A. Ghobrial and Dr. Sami M. Sharif 1 file(s) 176 downloads
IJSR, IJSR V1 N1 2010
8th October 2010
Supporting medical specialty training in Sudan: a framework for systematic engagement of Diaspora, Dr. Elsheikh Badr, Fayrouz Abdalla and Dr. Ayat Abuagla 1 file(s) 221 downloads
IJSR, IJSR V6 N2 2016
12th October 2015
Sustainable water resources management in Sudan, Abdeen M. Omer 1 file(s) 1878 downloads
IJSR, IJSR V1 N1 2010
8th October 2010
The educational sector; the possible ally to attract and retain health workforce, Dr. Anoud R. Omer and Dr. Muna I. Abdel Aziz 1 file(s) 241 downloads
IJSR, IJSR V6 N2 2016
12th October 2015
The effect of dietary knowledge on the control of type 2 diabetes mellitus in Sudan, Maha Bushra Hamed 1 file(s) 215 downloads
IJSR, IJSR V6 N1 2016
11th August 2015
The European Union role in resolving the armed conflict in the western Sudanese province of Darfur, Nagmeldin Karamalla-Gaiballa 1 file(s) 202 downloads
IJSR, IJSR V5 N1 2015
1st May 2015
The impact of privatization policy on the performance of agricultural government schemes in River Nile State, Sudan, Dr. Mutasim Ali and Ali Salih 1 file(s) 189 downloads
IJSR, IJSR V4 N1 2014
8th August 2013
The impact of the economic partnership agreement with the European Union on the agricultural trade of Sudan, Dr. Imad Eldin E. A. Yousif, Dr. Azharia Elbushra and Azhari Ibrahim 1 file(s) 181 downloads
IJSR, IJSR V1 N1 2010
8th October 2010
The importance of agricultural finance in producing field crops in Sudan, Dr. Elgilany A. Ahmed, Prof. Hamid H. M. Faki and Dr. Abubkr Hussein 1 file(s) 5390 downloads
IJSR, IJSR V2 N1 2011
5th June 2012
The influence of seeding rates on crop yield in a DSS framework: application to two Alfalfa cultivars in Sudan, Dr. Moawia E. Yahia and Dr. Khalid H. A. Siddig 1 file(s) 196 downloads
IJSR, IJSR V1 N1 2010
8th October 2010
The Mycetoma research centre, University of Khartoum, Sudan: a success story that needs support, Prof. Ahmed H. Fahal 1 file(s) 207 downloads
IJSR, IJSR V3 N1 2013
3rd February 2013
The potentiality of private health insurance in Sudan: the Shiekan Insurance Company (Ltd.) experience, Dr. Yassir A. Saeed 1 file(s) 2008 downloads
IJSR, IJSR V2 N1 2011
5th June 2012
The problems of research and the plight of researchers in some developing countries: Sudan as an example, Prof. Ahmed Mohamed EL-Hassan 1 file(s) 204 downloads
IJSR, IJSR V3 N2 2013
9th June 2013
The profession and practice of nutrition and dietetics in Sudan, Dr. Elham Aljaaly 1 file(s) 199 downloads
IJSR, IJSR V6 N2 2016
12th October 2015
The role of entrepreneurship education to achieve MDGs in Sudan, Dr. Yagoub Ali Gangi 1 file(s) 208 downloads
IJSR, IJSR V5 N1 2015
1st May 2015
Transportation and its health implications in Nigeria, Musilimu Adetunji 1 file(s) 211 downloads
IJSR, IJSR V3 N1 2013
3rd February 2013
Utility and nutritive values of organic and inorganic fertilization on teff grass (Eragrostis teff Zu cc. Trotter) growth and some soil chemical properties, Elkhtab M. Abdalla, Dr. Sarra A. M. Saad and Dr. Ibrahiem S. Ibrahiem 1 file(s) 1745 downloads
IJSR, IJSR V2 N1 2011
5th June 2012