[ 9th June 2013 by Kumar Gaurav 0 Comments ]

Effect of some cultural practices on common scab (Streptomyces scabies [Thaxter]) of potato at two production sites in Khartoum State, Nafisa H. Baldo and Dr. Moawia Y. Babiker

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  • Last Updated 9th June 2013

Effect of some cultural practices on common scab (Streptomyces scabies [Thaxter]) of potato at two production sites in Khartoum State, Nafisa H. Baldo and Dr. Moawia Y. Babiker

IJSRNafisa H. Baldo, Agricultural Research Corporation, Sudan
Moawia Yahia Babiker, EKT Soil & Water Center, Sudan

Purpose: A field experiment was conducted at two sites of potato production: El Dishinab and Wad Ramly on the western and eastern Nile bank, north Khartoum State, respectively. The aim of the experiment was to investigate the effect of application of ammonium sulphate and two water regimes (frequent watering, limited watering) on controlling soil-borne common scab Streptomyces scabies (Thaxter).
Design/methodology/approach: A split plot design was adopted with water regimes as the main plot and ammonium sulphate application as the subplot treatment. The effect of treatments on dry rot and black scurf incidence was also assessed.
Findings: Common scab (CS) was the most prevalent disease at the two locations. The incidence of common scab (CS), dry rot (DR) and black scurf (BSc) are generally higher at El Dishinab (95%, 22.8%, 13.4%, respectively) than at Wad Ramly (22.8%, 7.8%, 9.7%, respectively). The application of ammonium sulphate significantly increased total yield and decreased common scab severity at El Dishinab. Limited watering significantly increased common scab (3.76% to 5.44 %) and decreased dry rot (2.85%, 2.47 %) at Wad Ramly.
Keywords: Common scab; Dry rot; Potato production; Water regimes; Ammonium sulphate
Paper type: Research paper

Reference to this paper should be made as follows: Baldo, N., and Babiker, M., (2013) Effect of some cultural practices on common scab (Streptomyces scabies [Thaxter]) of potato at two production sites in Khartoum State, Int. J. Sudan Research Vol. 3, No. 2, pp. 149-166

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AboutKumar Gaurav

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