Lean Six Sigma: a clinical treatment for the recovery of Indian manufacturing sector from the after-effects of coronavirus, Harsimran Sodhi
Harsimran Singh Sodhi
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Chandigarh University, Mohali
Email: harsimransinghsodhi@yahoo.com
DOI: 10.1108/WJSTSD-03-2020-0025
Purpose: Manufacturing industry is quite badly hit due to the coronavirus. Manufacturing has been stopped in every country. The present study will provide assistance to the practitioners to recover manufacturing sector from the after-effects of coronavirus.
Design/methodology/approach: A thorough review of the recent articles published in the newspaper and web has been done to make a viewpoint on the global industrial impact due to epidemic corona. Reports of WHO, IMF, World Bank, RBI and so forth are also reviewed. Further, Lean Six Sigma has been suggested which can be implemented to recover manufacturing industry from the ill effects of corona.
Findings: In present study the problem causd in the manufacturing sector due to corona virus has been identified and a clinical treatment for the same has been proposed by using the tools and techniques of Lean Six Sigma.
Originality/value: The impact of coronavirus has become a huge issue not only for the physical health of human beings but also for the economic health of most of the countries in the world, as it is pushing the world economy toward huge economic depression. Therefore, it becomes the moral responsibility of industrial experts to suggest the tools and techniques to the manufacturing industry for faster recovery.
Keywords: Lean Manufacturing; Six Sigma; Lean Six Sigma.
Citation: Sodhi, H.S. (2020), "Lean Six Sigma: a clinical treatment for the recovery of Indian manufacturing sector from the after-effects of coronavirus", World Journal of Science, Technology and Sustainable Development, Vol. 17 No. 3, pp. 311-322. https://doi.org/10.1108/WJSTSD-03-2020-0025