World Journal of Science, Technology and Sustainable Development (WJSTSD) is a unique global forum for academics, practitioners and policymakers from around the world to exchange concepts, research, and best practices about science and technology and to provoke forward thinking on the development of a more coherent approach to solving global problems related to sustainable development (SD). WJSTSD is published by WASD in the United Kingdom (4 Issues per year) ISSN: 2042-5961 (Print); 2042-597X (Online). WJSTSD is abstracted and indexed by: Thomson Reuters Emerging Sources Citation Index; INSPEC; ReadCube Discover; ABI/Inform (ProQuest); Cabell’s Directory of Publishing Opportunities; British Library; and Crossref. WJSTSD has already been submitted for possible inclusion by Scopus and we currently waiting for the review process to be completed.