[ 9th June 2012 by Allam 0 Comments ]

Effect of adding carrageenan and gelatine on the quality of chicken ball, Abdul Salam Babji, Hong Khoon and Azhana Hamzah

Abdul Salam Babji, Hong Pui Khoon and Azhana Hamzah, Universiti Kebangsaan, Malaysia

Purpose: The effect of kappa-carrageenan and gelatin on the quality of chicken meat ball was investigated.
Methodology: The prepared chicken meat balls underwent various tests (sensory evaluation, physical-chemical analysis, proximate analysis, microbiology, and Thiobarbituric Acid Reactive Substance Value).
Findings: Result shows that addition at lower level of carrageenan(0.3% and 0.5%) and gelatin (0.5%) increase the acceptability of the chicken balls. Physical-chemical testing shows the significant result with sensory evaluation. Addition of 0.5 % carrageenan significantly (P<0.05) decreases the fat content in chicken ball. No significant different for microbiology analysis with the addition of carrageenan and gelatin compared to the commersial.
Value: Carrageenan and gelatin could improve the quality of chicken meat ball by improving the physical-chemical properties and nutritional value.
Keywords: Carrageenan, Gelatin, Quality, Chicken Meat Ball

AboutAllam Ahmed

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