The efficiency of e-government portal management from a citizen perspective: evidences from Turkey, Seda Yıldırım and Seda Bostancı
Seda Yıldırım
Business Administration
Namık Kemal University, Tekirdağ
Seda H. Bostancı
Political Science and Public Administration
Tekirdag Namık Kemal University, Tekirdağ
DOI: 10.1108/WJSTSD-04-2021-0049
Purpose: This study aims to explore the key factors in achieving an efficient e-government portal management system from a citizen perspective. Accordingly, this study focuses on explaining how an e-government portal should manage its digital public services for citizens efficiently.
Design/methodology/approach: This study employs a qualitative research design. As a sample case, this study preferred to analyze the Turkish e-government portal. The data is based on available open access data and information from the Turkish e-government portal, which is called e-Government Gateway in practice. In addition, the data of TURKSTAT (Turkish Statistical Institute) were used to determine the general profile of citizens about Internet skills and usage. Then, the data is analyzed by descriptive content analysis.
Findings: As a result of descriptive findings, user type, digital platform options, security and access options, and digital public service classification are all found as important factors for providing a well-designed e-government portal system from a citizen perspective. Especially, citizens should be informed about using options and service categories and types to be accessed by the e-government portal. Social media tools are efficient factors when informing citizens about the e-government portal and communicating with them.
Research limitations/implications: This study provides an original model to explain how the Turkish e-government portal works from a citizen perspective. However, there are some limitations to the study. The findings and suggestions are based on the Turkish e-government portal and its digital public service management. Also, this study evaluates the efficiency of the e-government portal management from a citizen perspective. Future studies can investigate e-government portal management for different countries by different approaches or research designs.
Practical implications: Based on the Turkey case, it is determined that creating an e-government portal with having up-to-date public services, including both web-based and mobile-based platforms, will support the adoption and use of e-government portals.
Social implications: The digital transformation of government is almost the main issue for policymakers in the world. But, this transformation process has some risk factors as well as challenges. To overcome these challenges, policymakers should design flexible and adaptable digital portals and systems to provide easy-to-use and self-use options for the citizens.
Originality/value: This study reveals key factors for efficient e-government portal management by providing descriptive evidence from Turkey. The main contribution of this study is expected to give practical implications and to guide other countries about the adoption of efficient e-government portals by citizens.
Keywords: E-government; E-government management; E-government portal; Digital public services.
Citation: Yıldırım, S. and Bostancı, S.H. (2021), "The efficiency of e-government portal management from a citizen perspective: evidences from Turkey", World Journal of Science, Technology and Sustainable Development, Vol. 18 No. 3, pp. 259-273.