[ 13th September 2022 by Sinrol Zhang Hnu 0 Comments ]

Categories of incubator success: a case study of three New York incubator programmes, Dr. Hanadi Al-Mubaraki, Dr. Ali Muhammad and Dr. Michael Busler

Dr. Hanadi Mubarak Al-Mubaraki
Kuwait University, Nuzha
Email: dralmubaraki@live.com
Dr. Ali Husain Muhammad
Department of Management and Marketing
Kuwait University, Safat
Dr. Michael Busler
School of Business, Richard Stockton College
Galloway, NJ

DOI: 10.1108/WJSTSD-06-2014-0006

Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to investigate and identify three categories of incubators in the USA located in New York (NY). The incubator categories are: technology commercialisation; economic development; and entrepreneurship.
Design/methodology/approach: The study uses a qualitative approach based on interviews concerning three incubator programmes selected for their successful outcomes.
Findings: The research findings suggest four priorities for incubators: to be dynamic models of self-sustainable, efficient business development; to provide helpful tools for generating jobs; to foster and support enterprise and innovation to create the best environment for the start-up and smart growth of businesses; and to support value-added businesses through various means, such as developing the region’s science parks and R&D centres, improving collaboration between universities, and supporting business investment and growth.
Originality/value: The research adds value to academicians and practitioners such as government, funded organisations, institutions and policy makers.
Keywords: Economic development; Entrepreneurship; Incubators; Technology commercialization; New York; Business growth.
Citation: Al-Mubaraki, H.M., Muhammad, A.H. and Busler, M. (2015), "Categories of incubator success: a case study of three New York incubator programmes", World Journal of Science, Technology and Sustainable Development, Vol. 12 No. 1, pp. 2-12. https://doi.org/10.1108/WJSTSD-06-2014-0006


WJSTSD V12 N1 2015 Al-Mubaraki et al.pdf
WJSTSD V12 N1 2015 Al-Mubaraki et al.pdf
AboutSinrol Zhang Hnu

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