Technopreneurship intention among nonbusiness students: a quantitative assessment, Bahadur Soomro and Naimatullah Shah
Bahadur Ali Soomro
Department of Economics, Federal Urdu University of Arts
Sciences and Technology, Karachi
Naimatullah Shah
College of Business Administration
Al Yamamah University, Riyadh
Saudi Arabia
DOI: 10.1108/WJEMSD-10-2020-0129
Purpose: The present study attempts to identify the predictive power of technopreneurial-related activities (TRAs), technopreneurial self-efficacy (TSE) and technopreneurial motivation (TM) on technopreneurial intention (TE) among the nonbusiness students.
Design/methodology/approach: A conceptual framework is developed for investigation. A quantitative approach is adopted for this research, and the data are collected from the 282 students of the different public sector universities with a survey questionnaire. The application of structural equation modeling (SEM) is applied to investigate the impact of TRAs, TSE and TM on TE.
Findings: The results of SEM found a positive and significant impact of TRAs, TSE and TM on TE among the nonbusiness students of Pakistan.
Practical implications: The study would be beneficial for the planners and policymakers of universities to improve modes of technopreneurship. The findings may encourage the students to develop strong beliefs, abilities and skills to start a new venture. The literature of entrepreneurship and technopreneurship may further enrich with empirical evidence of the present study.
Originality/value: The study would make technopreneurs able to deal with society's challenges.
Keywords: Technopreneurship; Technopreneurial activities; Technopreneurial self-efficacy; Technopreneurial motivation; Nonbusiness students.
Citation: Soomro, B.A. and Shah, N. (2021), "Technopreneurship intention among nonbusiness students: a quantitative assessment", World Journal of Entrepreneurship, Management and Sustainable Development, Vol. 17 No. 3, pp. 502-514.