[ 18th September 2022 by Jiayu Zhang 0 Comments ]

Impact of cultural values on leadership roles and paternalistic style from the role theory perspective, Korhan Arun, Nesli Gedik, Olcay Okun and Cem Sen

Korhan Arun, Nesli Kahraman Gedik
Namik Kemal Universitesi – Degirmenalti Kampusu, Tekirdag
Email: korhanarun@gmail.com
Olcay Okun
Hasan Kalyoncu Universitesi, Gaziantep
Cem Sen
NATO, Brussels

DOI: 10.1108/WJEMSD-10-2020-0128

Purpose: This paper researches the effects of the cultural context from values' ground on leadership roles and the effects of roles on styles. The idea behind this study is to show that cultural communities have different cultural models regarding the kinds of roles leaders should or should not play.
Design/methodology/approach: The sample was chosen from the part of the town where the immigrant workforce is growing, as well as it is the closest growing economic area to Europe in Turkey.
Findings: The analysis shows that cultural values significantly affect leadership roles. Additionally, there is a correlation between roles and paternalistic leadership style. Asian cultural values do affect leadership roles more than Western values. Additionally, each culture is diminishing the other. As leadership roles increase, they are acting as paternalistic leadership substitutes.
Originality/value: Interestingly we have introduced paternalistic leadership substitutes to literature and showed that paternalistic leadership is not only culturally but also contextually bounded.
Keywords: Role theory of leadership; Cultural values; Organizational values; Leadership roles; Paternalistic leadership; Leader styles.
Citation: Arun, K., Gedik, N.K., Okun, O. and Sen, C. (2021), "Impact of cultural values on leadership roles and paternalistic style from the role theory perspective", World Journal of Entrepreneurship, Management and Sustainable Development, Vol. 17 No. 3, pp. 422-440. https://doi.org/10.1108/WJEMSD-10-2020-0128


WJEMSD V17 N3 2021 Arun et al.pdf
WJEMSD V17 N3 2021 Arun et al.pdf
AboutJiayu Zhang

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