Barriers and stakeholder dynamics to health policy reform, M. Nicholas Coppola, Rubini Pasupathy, Robert Posteraro, Michelle Aliff and Lawrence V. Fulton
M. Nicholas Coppola, Rubini Pasupathy, Robert Posteraro, Michelle M. Aliff, Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center (TTUHSC), USA
Lawrence V. Fulton, Texas State University McCoy, USA
Purpose: The purpose of this article is to present issues associated with the barriers to national health care reform. These barriers are discussed through an emphasis on history, enduring values, cultural identity and stakeholder dynamics.
Design/methodology/approach: The design of this essay utilizes Kerlinger’s (1973) proposition, and Osgood’s (1964) semantic differential technique to guide the research.
Findings: Research has suggested the following barriers to health reform: Fear of Government, Historical Precedent, Stakeholder Dynamics, Social Darwinism and Iron Triangle Priorities. Literature associated with findings from previous research suggests the health system is in an irrecoverable death spiral.
Originality/value: The value of this study is in the identification of potentially hazardous outcomes that may be thwarted with immediate awareness and action by policy makers against policy barriers.
Keywords: Policy, National health care, Health reform, Stakeholder dynamics