The future of Africa is now! The critical role of capacity development, Dr. Frannie Léautier
Dr. Frannie A. Léautier
African Capacity Building Foundation (ACBF)
DOI: 10.1108/20425945201100008
Abstract: African countries experienced severe macroeconomic shocks in the 1980s, which put them on a reform path that has generated resilience visible in their ability to recover and even grow from the fiscal and economic crises of 2008-2009. Critical to the success of the reforms was a cadre of skilled people, focused organizations and effective institutions for macroeconomic management, put in place in large part, by the efforts of key stakeholders involved in capacity development. The African Capacity Building Foundation (ACBF) is the single most important entity that was created to focus on building capacity in Africa. The choices made and successes achieved by ACBF tell a story of Africas attempt to build the capacity needed to develop. Emerging challenges on the horizon call once again for attention to capacity; focus that ACBF is ready for after 20 years of existence. This keynote speech delivered during the 20th Anniversary Summit of the African Capacity Building 8-9th February, 2011.
Keywords: Africa; Capacity Building; Leadership; Innovation; Private Sector; Networks; Skills; Knowledge; Sustainable Development; S&T; MDGs; Challenges.
Citation: Léautier, F.A. (2011), "The future of Africa is now! The critical role of capacity development", World Journal of Science, Technology and Sustainable Development, Vol. 8 No. 2/3, pp. 137-152.