[ 7th July 2011 by Allam 0 Comments ]

Assessing the Potential for Increased and Enhanced Maritime Transportation in Latin America and the Caribbean, Dr. Khellon Roach and Dr. Raymond Kirton

Dr. Khellon Quacy Roach, Dr. Raymond Mark Kirton
University of the West Indies
Trinidad and Tobago
Email: Khellon.Roach@sta.uwi.edu

DOI: 10.1108/20425945201100006

Abstract: Accounting for over 90% of goods traded globally, Maritime Transport is undeniably the main mode of international transport of goods throughout the world. Despite the global financial crisis in 2008, growth in international seaborne trade continued, albeit at a slower rate of 3.6% in 2008 as compared with 4.5% in 2007. The volume of global sea-borne trade for 2008 totalled 8.17 billion tons as estimated by UNCTAD (2009). Maritime transport is more critical to the development of the small Caribbean states than for most other regions because they exist as islands in the Caribbean Sea, and consequently are heavily reliant on foreign trade. However, despite the advancement in the area of maritime transport globally, Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) continue to be plagued with high transport costs, inadequate port and transport infrastructure and a lack of coordinated maritime transport policies among others. It can, therefore, be widely appreciated that in order for LAC to achieve sustained economic development there is need for improved maritime transport cooperation in the region. This paper seeks to use the examples of Trinidad and Tobago from the Caribbean and Venezuela from Latin America to examine the ways in which Maritime Transport Cooperation can be enhanced in order to encourage development and growth in the Greater Caribbean region.
Keywords: Maritime transport cooperation; Latin America; Caribbean; Trinidad and Tobago; Venezuela.
Citation: Quacy Roach, K. and Kirton, R.M. (2011), "Assessing the potential for increased and enhanced maritime transportation in Latin America and the Caribbean: A case study of Trinidad and Tobago and Venezuela", World Journal of Science, Technology and Sustainable Development, Vol. 8 No. 1, pp. 81-94. https://doi.org/10.1108/20425945201100006


WJSTSD V8 N1 2011 Roach_Kirton.pdf
WJSTSD V8 N1 2011 Roach_Kirton.pdf
AboutAllam Ahmed

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