[ 14th September 2022 by Jiayu Zhang 0 Comments ]

An electric taxi fleet charged by second use batteries: not just economic profit, Lluc Casals and Beatriz García

Lluc Canals CasalsBeatriz Amante García
Engineering Projects
UPC – ETSEIAT, Terrassa
Email: lluc.canals@upc.edu

DOI: 10.1108/WJSTSD-04-2013-0018

Purpose: The road transport sector is the second biggest CO2 emissions contributor after energy generation. In urban environments, its impact is increased due to the worse combustion engine driving efficiency. It is thought that electric mobility might bring some relief to big cities’ polluted air. At the same time, car manufacturers are searching for second battery applications in order to reduce its manufacture cost and make electric cars achievable for most people. This paper seeks to address these issues.
Design/methodology/approach: This study presents an economic and environmental approach of an electric taxi fleet charged with second use electric car batteries. The environment impact comes from the possible CO2 emissions reduction due to the use of electricity instead of fuel and from reusing the old electric car batteries instead of brand new ones. On the economic side, apart from the financial and consumption costs and profits, the Kyoto protocol trades permit an economic evaluation of the benefits achieved.
Findings: The results show that improvements come together with the type of electric generation technology, but it is clear that if both sectors (road transport and energy generation) are treated together, the emissions might substantially drop.
Originality/value: The originality of this article comes from taking into account two environmental issues in the project: the reuse of “old batteries” from electric cars to enlarge their useful life and the gas emissions analysis.
Keywords: Electric vehicle; Battery; Li‐ion; Second use; Road transport; Energy generation; Electric cells; Electric motors; Electricity.
Citation: Canals Casals, L. and Amante García, B. (2013), "An electric taxi fleet charged by second use batteries: not just economic profit", World Journal of Science, Technology and Sustainable Development, Vol. 10 No. 3, pp. 186-194. https://doi.org/10.1108/WJSTSD-04-2013-0018

WJSTSD V10 N3 2013 Casals_Garcia.pdf
WJSTSD V10 N3 2013 Casals_Garcia.pdf
AboutJiayu Zhang

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