An empirical investigation of entrepreneurial environment in Sudan, Dr. Yagoub Gangi and Dr. Elfadil Timan
Dr. Yagoub Ali Gangi
Ahamed bin Mohammad Military College, Doha, Qatar and School of Management Studies
University of Khartoum, Khartoum
Dr. Elfadil Timan
Department of Business Administration
Gerzira University, Medani
DOI: 10.1108/WJEMSD-03-2013-0021
Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to investigate how potential entrepreneurs perceived the entrepreneurial environment in Sudan.
Design/methodology/approach: It evaluates economic, political, legal and administrative, socio‐cultural, educational, and infrastructure and public support conditions affecting entrepreneurship development. Furthermore, it examines attitudes of government, Sudanese society, and Sudanese business community towards enhancement of entrepreneurial environment. Data are collected from 236 national potential entrepreneurs through questionnaires. Respondents are asked 45 questions to assess their perception of the main six factors composing the entrepreneurial environment.
Findings: The study revealed that the entrepreneurs perceived economic, education and infrastructure conditions as fair (neither strong nor poor). However, they perceived political, legal, administrative, social and cultural conditions as poor. Factors that contributed in shaping these conditions are government policies, and social and cultural beliefs of Sudanese society.
Originality/value: The study is the first contribution to the literature on the Sudan entrepreneurship environment.
Keywords: Sudan; Entrepreneurialism; Entrepreneurial environment.
Citation: Gangi, Y.A. and Timan, E. (2013), "An empirical investigation of entrepreneurial environment in Sudan", World Journal of Entrepreneurship, Management and Sustainable Development, Vol. 9 No. 2/3, pp. 168-177.