Regulating sustainable coffee: an analysis of smallholder farmers’ participation in certifications, Dr. Cenuk Sayekti, Prof. Iman Prihandono
Dr. Cenuk Sayekti
Airlangga University
Prof. Iman Prihandono
Airlangga University
DOI: 10.47556/J.WJEMSD.19.1-2.2023.9
Purpose: This paper presents the findings of a study conducted to identify the preference of smallholders to join coffee certifications for the purpose of sustainability performance. Our focus is to examine the smallholder coffee farmers’ participation in sustainability goals through voluntary certification. The study includes insights from different parts of the smallholder farmers in Indonesia, with a special focus on the coffee sector.
Design/methodology/approach: In order to gain more clarity on the farmers’ preference on certification schemes, this paper comprises a qualitative method aimed to draw out of certification on the coffee sector.
Findings: This study finds that the certification programmes are still in a vulnerable position to regulate sustainability, to protect the environment, and protect human rights beyond the state’s regulations.
Research limitations/implications: This research does not aim to identify the benefits of certification schemes, but the conditions that have hindered the uptake of certification by smallholders and what might encourage them to participate in certification for sustainability purposes.
Originality/value: This paper presents new information on smallholders’ preferences on certification participation in the coffee sector, and proposes significant factors that might encourage certification of the coffee sector in Indonesia.
Keywords: Sustainable, Coffee Certification, Farmers’ Participation.
Citation: Sayekti, C. and Prihandono, I. (2023): Regulating Sustainable Coffee: An Analysis of Smallholder Farmers’ Participation
in Certifications. World Journal of Entrepreneurship, Management and Sustainable Development, Vol. 19, No. 1/2, pp. 111–123.