[ 26th March 2020 by allam ahmed 0 Comments ]

“Public-Private Partnerships and their relationship with sustainable development in Brazil”, Danilo de Oliveira Sampaio

Prof. Danilo de Oliveira Sampaio*
Federal University of Juiz de Fora, Brazil 

DOI: 10.47556/B.OUTLOOK2018.16.4

Objective: Public-private partnerships in Brazil started in 2004 through a federal law, but the number of these partnerships is still small. There is a need for the country to involve more private organisations in projects that have different types of risks. Given this scenario, the objective of this research was to verify the model of private public partnerships in Brazil and their relationship with sustainable development, to point out cases and present critiques evaluating the positive aspects and pointing out possibilities for improvements.
Design/methodology/approach: The research was of a bibliographic and documentary type, with scientific papers and Brazilian federal laws as sources of data. A case study of public-private partnerships in Brazil was also carried out to verify whether there is a direct relationship with the promotion of sustainable development.
Results: The results show that, despite being innovative, the Brazilian model of public-private partnerships needs to be improved. Just removing the financial burden from the state and passing it on to private organisations does not solve the final situation of a partnership. There was more use of administrative concessions than partnerships, with the financial sustainability of the partnership being highlighted more than sustainable development as the basis or relation of the signed cases.
Originality: The research carried out is original because it relates the Brazilian model of private public partnership with the promotion of sustainable development, mainly when suggesting proposals and public policies to be implemented by the Brazilian government. In this sense, it is hoped to strengthen policy and legislation to implement and revitalise mainly the global partnership for sustainable development.
Keywords: Brazil; Public-Private Partnerships (PPP); 2030 agenda for sustainable development.

Aboutallam ahmed

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