[ 27th October 2024 by allam ahmed 0 Comments ]

A revision of the Sustainable Development Goals in light of the digital revolution, innovation and climate change integration, global conflicts, pandemics and disasters, Prof. Elsadig Ahmed

Professor Elsadig Musa Ahmed
Faculty of Business, Multimedia University


DOI: 10.47556/B.OUTLOOK2024.22.2

RECEIVED: 8 July 2024 / REVISED: 12 July 2024 / ACCEPTED: 16 July 2024 / PUBLISHED: 30 October 2024


PURPOSE: The objective of this study is to assess and review the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in light of digital technology developed by the digital revolution, innovation and climate change integration, COVID-19, world global wars, conflicts and natural disasters and their implications for the implementation of Agenda 2030.

METHODOLOGY/APPROACH: A descriptive review analysis approach is employed to assess the externalities associated with the purpose of the study.

FINDINGS: Ensuring that all countries have the capacity to track progress towards the SDGs is critical for the overall success of Agenda 2030. Data gaps influence the understanding of progress of Agenda 2030 because of biased conclusions. The SDGs reporting framework should be changed and updated to accommodate these externalities. If this does not happen, a large proportion of the population will miss vital information about what are considered good policies.

ORIGINALITY/VALUE: This study contributes to the body of knowledge by suggesting revisions of SDGs based on the theme of this paper.

PRACTICAL IMPLICATIONS: The findings of this study will help those concerned with SDGs to revise the SDGs reporting framework to accommodate the shortcomings created by the digital revolution, innovation and climate change integration, COVID-19, universal wars, conflicts and natural disasters; there are implications for most of the 17 SDGs. UN institutions, countries’ policy-makers, international and regional organisations, academic and research institutions and public-private partners, will benefit from this study’s findings and accommodate these shortcomings to modify the implementation of SDGs that should be achieved by 2030.

KEYWORDS: SDGs Revision; Digital Revolution; Innovation and Climate Integration; Global Conflicts; Pandemics; Disasters; Data Gaps.

CITATION: Ahmed, E.M. (2024): A Revision of the Sustainable Development Goals in Light of the Digital Revolution, Innovation and Climate Change Integration, Global Conflicts, Pandemics and Disasters. In Ahmed, A. (Ed.): World Sustainable Development Outlook 2024, Vol. 20, pp.17–41 WASD: London, United Kingdom.

Aboutallam ahmed

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