The Relevance of Artificial Intelligence in Mitigating Socio-economic Impacts of COVID-19 and Future Epidemics, Dr Santhi Ramanathan, Dr Shirley Tang, Madihah Afzal, Dr Pin Ker, Dr Prajindra Krishnan, Dr Chai Chen, Dr Sieh Tiong, Dr Mei Yaw
Dr Santhi Ramanathan
Senior Lecturer, Faculty of Business,
Multimedia University
Dr Shirley Gee Hoon Tang
Senior Lecturer, Center for Toxicology and Health Risk Studies (CORE)
Faculty of Health Sciences, Universiti Kebangsaan
Ms Madihah Mohd Afzal
Research Assistant, Center for Toxicology and Health Risk Studies (CORE)
Faculty of Health Sciences, Universiti Kebangsaan
Dr Pin Jern Ker
Associate Professor, Institute of Sustainable Energy, Department of Electrical & Electronics
Universiti Tenaga Nasional
Dr Prajindra Sankar Krishnan
Senior Lecturer, Institute of Sustainable Energy, Department of Electrical & Electronics
Universiti Tenaga Nasional
Dr Chai Phing Chen
Senior Lecturer, Institute of Sustainable Energy, Department of Electrical & Electronics
Universiti Tenaga Nasional
Dr Sieh Kiong Tiong
Professor, Institute of Sustainable Energy, Department of Electrical & Electronics
Universiti Tenaga Nasional
(Corresponding author)
Dr Mei Wyin Yaw
Research Assistant, Institute of Sustainable Energy, Department of Electrical & Electronics
Universiti Tenaga Nasional
Paper Type: Review
Received: 5 September 2023 / Revised: 25 October 2023 / Accepted: 25 October 2023 / Published: 30 December 2023
DOI: 10.47556/B.OUTLOOK2023.19.7
Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to explore the latest publications on an AI application and present a systematic review of its impact in diverse sectors, particularly in mitigating COVID-19. Even though the relevance of AI in mitigating the COVID-19 outbreak has gained much attention among researchers, one of the fundamental concerns that needs to be addressed is whether the public’s understanding of AI’s relevance will endure and strengthen in order to combat future pandemics. In the case of a developing nation, like Malaysia, what is the level of AI intervention and how compatible it is in handling the current scenario and future epidemics? Finding answers for these questions is crucial, as it would push Malaysia into great efforts towards massive and effective use of digital technology, particularly AI adoption, that will eventually help the country to achieve the UN’s 2030 Sustainable Development Goals. In this regard, this paper aims to cover specifically the digital and AI transformation in Malaysia, followed by the relevance of AI in mitigating the socio-economic impacts of pandemics and future epidemics.
Methodology: This paper is primarily a review paper, used a systematic literature review and content analysis approach to find the role of AI application and tools in diverse sectors, including its breakthrough during the recent pandemic. This study conducted a comprehensive search across multiple databases using keywords such as artificial intelligence, digital transformation, COVID-19, pandemic and impacts.
Findings: Based on a comprehensive review process, this paper integrates various scopes of AI’s roles and relevance, from various perspectives to a narrow scope of pandemic and future epidemic perspective. Upon highlighting the continuous efforts for technological and digital transformation as well as the emerging state of AI in Malaysia, this paper emphasises the relevance of AI in mitigating the socio-economic impacts of pandemics in the context of healthcare, employment and income, and education. The final part covers a brief description of the core challenges concerning technology adoption in general and in expediting AI for future states in Malaysia.
Originally: This paper presents an overview of AI’s roles and relevance in various aspects and contexts. Despite a wide range of previous reviews on the role of AI in mitigating the spread of COVID-19, this study focuses on how AI mitigates the socio-economic impacts, by integrating the emerging trends and potentials of AI.
Implications: The impact of the previous economic crises and the recent pandemic have clearly shown the gaps and potentials for Malaysia to move forward and gain momentum to achieve a balanced economic growth. Technological advancement with AI innovations is indeed an essential requirement for Malaysia to have such economic growth. Therefore, the significance of this study is in portraying the relevance of AI in tackling the impact of pandemics in a socio-economic context. It may contribute ideas for future research to be done empirically.
Keywords: Artificial Intelligence; Digital, Socio-Economic; COVID-19; Pandemic; Malaysia.
Citation: Ramanathan, S., Tang S.G.H., Afzal, M.M., Ker, P.J., Krishnan, P.S., Chen, C.P., Tiong, S.K. and Yaw, M.W. (2023) “The Relevance of Artificial Intelligence in Mitigating Socio-economic Impacts of COVID-19 and Future Epidemics”, in World Sustainable Development Outlook 2023, Vol. 19, pp. 105–122 (London, UK: WASD).