“Migration and the role of sustainable development”, Olivia Joseph-Aluko
Olivia Joseph-Aluko CEO Reinvent African Diaspora Network (RADET) UK info@radet.org.uk
DOI: 10.47556/B.OUTLOOK2018.16.29
Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to consider how migration serves as a driving force for sustainable development, and how the private sector can impact this process.
Approach: This study emphasises the role of migration in sustainable development. It examines literature on the private sector in economic development, and analyses statistics on international migration and remittances, and their economic effects in African countries.
Findings: The restrictive economic conditions affecting migrants and refugees negatively impact both host countries and places of origin. The private sector can enhance outcomes for all involved by collaborating with governments and aid agencies to reduce obstacles hindering migrant employment, business development and social integration.
Originality/Value: Much research has focused on the negative effects of African migration, with fewer studies examining the broader impact of migration on local and regional economic growth and development, particularly the pivotal involvement of the private sector. The role of migration as a force in sustainable development is an issue of growing importance, yet remains under-investigated.
Keywords: African-born migrants; international migration; migration of skills; migrant remittances; private sector