[ 12th October 2008 by Allam 0 Comments ]

(pp.417-423) A. Abouzeedan ‘Internetization management and international trade theories’, World Sustainable Development Outlook, 2008


DOI: 10.47556/B.OUTLOOK2008.6.42

Abstract: Increasingly, the competitive nature of the business environment forces firms to pursue different paths to become international trade players. Scholars seek to explain increase of the cross-boarder trading by proposing different theories. There are already well-established theories of international trade. A legitimate question related to this issue is how the tools of the new economy have altered the validity of these theories. The analysis done by Adli Abouzeedan showed that some of these theories would be invalid in the new economy while others are still applicable. However, we need to look at how the Internetization Management paradigm can help us to understand the way the macroenvironement of economy can be coupled with the micro one while taking sustainable development in consideration. In this article, I tried to accomplish this by relating the analysis of the international trade theories to the issue of sustainability, having Internatization Management in mind. I looked at how the international trade theories are related to the sustainable development issue. first in presence and then in absence of the recently introduced paradigm. I found the connection between the various international trade theories and sustainable development in the new e-globalized environment to be strong for most of them, except for the theories of the Aboslute Advantage and the Compartative. For these two theories the connection is weak. The presence of the Internetization Management paradigm practices strengthened such connection while the reverse occurred in the absence of that paradigm.
Keywords: Localized management, Networking management, Internetization management, e-Globalization, International trade theories, Sustainable development, Supply-based theories, Demand-based theories

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Outlook 2008_Abouzeedan-Itemid=.pdf
AboutAllam Ahmed

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