An Investigation of the Utilisation of Energy and Water Conservation Technologies in Bahrain: Entrepreneurial Opportunity, Prof. Mukhtar Al-Hashimi and Sayed Ahmed
Professor Mukhtar S. Al-Hashimi and Sayed Dheya H. Ahmed
College of Business and Finance at Ahlia University, Kingdom of Bahrain
Purpose: This study investigates public awareness of government energy conservation programmes, and people’s willingness to purchase products related to Electricity and Water Conservation Technologies (EWCT) for the purpose of creating business opportunities based on customer acceptance of and preference for EWCT within the Kingdom of Bahrain. A review of the literature contributed to the development of the theoretical and conceptual research framework.
Design/methodology/approach: Questionnaires were distributed to a random sample of 400 Bahraini households, aimed at investigating the awareness of government energy conservation programmes, customer needs, and willingness to purchase EWCT within families in Bahrain. A market feasibility was developed for the saleable EWCT devices.
Findings/expected outcome: In general, outcomes revealed that Bahrainis are educated and aware of conservation concepts. The results indicate that Bahraini households are willing to implement EWCT appropriate devices in their homes. A market feasibility study and business model for EWCT business technologies was developed based on these findings. This study assesses the market potential for EWCT in Bahrain.
Practical Implications/social implications: This study could form important guidelines for both the government and among businesses that might want to invest and sell energy and water conservation technologies to the public.
Originality/value: This study underlines the business opportunities of Energy and Water Conservation Technologies in Bahrain on the basis of awareness, acceptance and business feasibility.
Keywords: Conservation Technologies, Bahrain, Customer Preferences, Government Programme, EWCT Acceptance, Technologies, Awareness.