[ 4th July 2024 by allam ahmed 0 Comments ]

Leadership styles for women in a changing environment, Prof. Beverlee Anderson

Professor Beverlee B. Anderson
College of Business Administration, California State University San Marcos
San Marcos, CA 92026-0001
Email: banderso@csusm.edu

Purpose: The purpose of this presentation is to address how women can achieve “full and effective participation . . .for leadership at all levels of decision-making I political, economic and public life.” (SDG 5, Target 5.5). 
Design: The presentation reports on the latest research focused on women in leadership and on the personal experiences of the author.  As time has passed, the changing environment has created more opportunities for women, but also more challenges. The presentation examines changing expectations of self and others, changing organizational norms, and factors within the external environment.
Research Limitations: The focus of the paper is primarily focused on the role of women leaders in western environments and how these environments are changing.
 Findings: Adaptation to the changing environments requires updating of one’s traditional leadership skills. 
 Originality: This is an original paper based on personal experiences and extensive review of literature in the field.
 Implications: To accelerate progress toward Target 5.5, women must become acquainted with the necessary skills to take advantage of the many leadership opportunities now available to women.     

Aboutallam ahmed

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