[ 29th September 2022 by Yan Ke 0 Comments ]

The role of knowledge management in creating and sustaining high performance organisations: The case of financial institutions in Uganda, Dr. Janet Bagorogoza and Dr. André Waal

Dr. Janet Bagorogoza, Dr. André de Waal
Maastricht School of Management
the Netherlands
Email: jbagorogoza@gmail.com

DOI: 10.1108/20425961201000023

Purpose: The study described in this paper develops an evaluation model aimed at investigating the relationships between knowledge management and objective and perceived organizational high performance.
Design/methodology/approach: A comprehensive review of theory, research and practices on knowledge management and high performance develops a model that forms the basis of the study. The model was operationalised in financial institutions in Uganda, and was used as the basis to develop the hypotheses that are tested in the study.
Findings: suggests that competitive advantage is a significant predictor of high performance and that the high performance organisation framework is a mediator of knowledge management and high performance.
Originality: Among the few empirical studies relating knowledge management and its integration in financial institutions for achieving sustained competitive advantage and high performance.
Limitations: The study used a small sample which limits the generalisation of the results.
Practical implications: The results may provide a sound basis for making an analysis of KM behaviour and high performance in financial institutions.
Keywords: Knowledge management; Knowledge based theory; High performance organizations framework; High performance; Financial institutions Uganda.
Citation: Bagorogoza, J. and de Waal, A. (2010), "The role of knowledge management in creating and sustaining high performance organisations: The case of financial institutions in Uganda", World Journal of Entrepreneurship, Management and Sustainable Development, Vol. 6 No. 4, pp. 307-324. https://doi.org/10.1108/20425961201000023

WJEMSD V6 N4 2010 Bagorogoza_Waal.pdf
WJEMSD V6 N4 2010 Bagorogoza_Waal.pdf
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