Characteristics of migrant entrepreneurs as agents of direct investment in sub‐Saharan Africa: An observation of the Lebanese in Nigeria, Prof. Charles Mambula
Prof. Charles J. Mambula I
Langston University
DOI: 10.1108/20425961201000015
Abstract: This chapter is a hybrid of entrepreneurship and international business. While conceptualising Foreign Direct Investment (FDI), together with theory and practice for development, the study looks at the role migrant entrepreneurs can play in the process, i.e. Africa. The study focuses on one group of Entrepreneurs (the Lebanese) who migrated and established successful business communities in Nigeria. Common qualities between the Lebanese and Nigerian entrepreneurs are compared and contrasted considering the adaptive ability of the Lebanese in the presence of constraints. The Host country is encouraged to create an enabling environment for both domestic and foreign investors.
Keywords: FDI; Foreign direct investment; Entrepreneurship; Globalisation; Nigerians; Lebanese; Adaptation; Communication; Culture.
Citation: Mambula I, C.J. (2010), "Characteristics of migrant entrepreneurs as agents of direct investment in sub‐Saharan Africa: An observation of the Lebanese in Nigeria", World Journal of Entrepreneurship, Management and Sustainable Development, Vol. 6 No. 3, pp. 193-212.