[ 30th September 2022 by Sinrol Zhang Hnu 0 Comments ]

Education for entrepreneurship and innovation: “Management capabilities for sustainable growth and success”, Dr. Michael Lewrick, Dr. Maktoba Omar, Prof. Robert Raeside and Prof. Klaus Sailer

Dr. Michael Lewrick 
Munich University of Applied Sciences
Email: MLewrick@aol.com
Dr. Maktoba Omar
Edinburgh Napier University
Email: m.omar@napier.ac.uk
Prof. Robert Raeside
Edinburgh Napier University
Email: r.raeside@napier.ac.uk
Prof. Klaus Sailer
Strascheg Centre for Entrepreneurship
Email: klaus.sailer@sce-web.de

DOI: 10.1108/20425961201000001

Abstract: Entrepreneurship and innovation education has derived from established university curriculum and the context is set of concepts and tools used in the corporate world. The challenge of transforming a start‐up company into a business success needs different capabilities. It goes beyond the development of an idea and writing‐up a comprehensive business plan. This study analysed over 200 technology‐driven companies which have been created under the formal requirement of a business plan competition since 1996. The objective was to identify drivers for innovation and success. From the results, an agenda of entrepreneurial and innovation education was derived and is discussed.
Keywords: Entrepreneurship education; Innovation management; Business plan writing; Management capabilities; Continuous learning.
Citation: Lewrick, M., Omar, M., Raeside, R. and Sailer, K. (2010), "Education for entrepreneurship and innovation: “Management capabilities for sustainable growth and success”", World Journal of Entrepreneurship, Management and Sustainable Development, Vol. 6 No. 1/2, pp. 1-18. https://doi.org/10.1108/20425961201000001

WJEMSD V6 N1_2 2010 Lewrick et al.pdf
WJEMSD V6 N1_2 2010 Lewrick et al.pdf
AboutSinrol Zhang Hnu

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