(05) The power of alignment of factors associated with nursing activities in humanitarian aid and disaster relief in Saudi Arabia: an integrative review, Dr. Nazik Zakari
Dr. Nazik M. A. Zakari
Associate Professor and Vice Dean
Department of Nursing, College of Applied Sciences
AlMaarefa University, PO Box 7166, Dariyah
Riyadh 11597
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4667-8541
Email: nzakari@mcst.edu.sa
DOI: 10.47556/J.WJEMSD.19.3-4.2023.5
PURPOSE: This study aims to synthesise the evidence that alignment exists and demonstrate the factors influencing nurses to become involved in humanitarian aid and disaster relief.
DESIGN/METHODOLOGY/APPROACH: The study utilises a systematic analysis standard and examines the Health and Medical Complete, PubMed, Google Scholar, and Cumulative databases between 2010 and 2022. Keywords were used such as nursing activities, humanitarian aid activities, disaster relief, and disaster preparedness.
FINDINGS: Out of a total of 1,430 articles found, 950 were considered duplicates and were thus disregarded. There were 65 incompatibilities found after reviewing the complete texts of 480 articles. Eleven papers were found to be within the study’s parameters and eligibility criteria. Key themes identified perceived competency, ICN alignment, and relief factors. Social dimensions of alignment among Saudi nurses were well established in terms of their role in taking care of individuals and communities.
ORIGINALITY/VALUE OF THE PAPER: This study concludes that the structure alignment outcomes emphasis must be placed on preparing Saudi nurses to anticipate leadership compactness in disaster planning.
KEYWORDS: An Integrative Review, Alignment, Saudi Arabia, Nursing, Disaster Preparedness, Disaster Relief, Humanitarian Aid.