Assessing sustainability marketing from macromarketing perspective: a multistakeholder approach, Soha Abutaleb and Noha El-Bassiouny
Soha Abutaleb, Noha El-Bassiouny
Department of Marketing
German University in Cairo, Cairo
DOI: 10.1108/WJEMSD-02-2019-0017
Purpose: The paper examines three main stakeholders in the market and their roles toward achieving sustainability marketing. Those stakeholders are consumers, companies and policymakers. The current study is examining consumers’ attitudes toward sustainability marketing and their purchase intentions of sustainable products through the use of theory of planned behavior. The paper is also examining the role of companies and policymakers in encouraging consumers to consider sustainability in their purchasing decisions.
Design/methodology/approach: Concurrent research study is applied, where qualitative and quantitative research methods are conducted at the same time for different purposes with equal weights. Qualitative interviews were applied with fast-moving consumer goods companies and policymakers, while quantitative surveys were applied with Egyptian consumers.
Findings: The results showed that companies are taking serious and effective steps in transforming their marketing strategies into sustainable marketing ones. The government role is still limited as there are no strict laws and regulations that force companies and factories in Egypt to develop sustainability marketing strategies. Consumers’ attitudes were highly affected by firms' sustainable practices as well as subjective norms that led to influencing their intentions toward purchasing sustainable products.
Originality/value: Although the topic of sustainability marketing is considered by a plenty of researchers in the academic discipline, there are no studies that have combined the main three stakeholders' roles in achieving sustainability marketing in one study. The study highlights the impact of government role and firms' role on consumers' attitudes and purchase intentions toward sustainable products, especially convenient products. This was done through the adoption of the theory of planned behavior.
Keywords: Sustainable development; Sustainability marketing; Macromarketing; Theory of planned behavior.
Citation: Abutaleb, S. and El-Bassiouny, N. (2020), "Assessing sustainability marketing from macromarketing perspective: a multistakeholder approach", World Journal of Entrepreneurship, Management and Sustainable Development, Vol. 16 No. 4, pp. 287-305.