The practical problems faced by the University of East London in meeting the parking restraints
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- Create Date 19th December 2004
- Last Updated 19th December 2004
The practical problems faced by the University of East London in meeting the parking restraints
Abstract: in increasing usage of its Docklands campus, the University of East London is subject to limits on Parking Provision, guidance for which is given in PPG13. Commuters balance opportunity costs when assessing their willingness to pay to commute. Staff display a range of views with respect to their reliance on the car often justifying their level of need in terms of the specifics of their home location. To facilitate a changing commuting regime, the university must consider alternative work arrangements including compressed working weeks or home working. The success of such policies depend primarily upon the nature of teaching staff duties but change must also be supported by a changing management culture and access to appropriate technology if change can be achieved that continues to provide a quality service for the students.
Keywords: Commuting; Parking Restraints; Public Transport Provision; Home Working; Managing Change
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