(pp.123-131) J. Jackson ‘The potential role of the Caribbean Diaspora in science, technology and industrial policy’, World Sustainable Development Outlook, 2010
DOI: 10.47556/B.OUTLOOK2010.8.11
Abstract: This paper addresses the key guiding questions of the International Development Research Centre (IDRC) project1 assessing strategic opportunities for Caribbean migration from brain circulation: ‘How can source countries exploit the benefits of brain circulation?’, by concentrating on the role of diasporas as conduits of tacit knowledge and technology. This research primarily engages with recent literature on the ‘new’ industrial policy that emphasises the role of the movement of skilled persons and focused, strategic interactions between the government and the private sector. As such, it focuses on the potential benefits of institutional mechanisms of engaging with the diaspora by government and home country private sector as a means of facilitating the transformation of the region’s productive sector. The analysis focuses on the diasporic relationship between Jamaica and the United States.