[ 15th May 2024 by allam ahmed 0 Comments ]

The innovative pro-poor environmentally green engineering systems (PEGES) standard: towards accelerated SD in DCs, Dr Nazar M Hassan

Dr Nazar M Hassan
UNESCO Beirut Multisectoral Office in the Arab States

Email: n.hassan@unesco.org


In the first part of this research work, the Modified Dynamic Strategic Fit (MDSF) Algorithm was developed for solving the SD Decision Problem in developing countries. The algorithm was designed to identify and solve for the following major development requirements in the targeted countries: a. Appropriate Infrastructure; b. social protection measures and systems; c. Basic Services; d. Sound and practical Policy framework; e. Robust multi-stakeholder partnerships covering the different target circles of SDG 17 (finance, technology, capacity building, governance, institutional policy coherence; Multi-stakeholder partnerships, trade). The resulting algorithm was able to develop a new conceptual framework to solve the 2030 SD SDGs problem by reducing the 169 expected results into 48 expected results only, making the problem and its solution feasible and tractable. The new methodology presented here offers developing countries a substantive added value towards SDGs implementation, while observing the consensus core values (i) Collective Benefit; (ii) Equity and Fairness; (iii) Quality and Integrity; (iv) Inclusiveness; and (v) Sustainability. The international community is herewith called upon to undertake a paradigm shift to facilitate the practical and accelerated implementation of the 2030 SD Agenda in developing economies by putting SDG One (extreme poverty reduction) at the core of the proposed solution framework. The proposed framework calls for the utilization of a set of well-designed Poverty Reduction and Social Protection (PRSP) policies, which is part of a newly proposed and innovative “Aristotle Framework for Action” Initiative. Together with a set of associated STI programs, the initiative proves the power of the integrated whole system design (IWSD) approach when the right STI innovative technological applications and the proper set of values are jointly promoted.

Aboutallam ahmed

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