[ 13th November 2021 by allam ahmed 0 Comments ]

The Role of E-government and digital transformation in emerging markets: An Exploratory Case Study Analysis of Sudan’s E-government Services, Dr. Omer Gibreel, Prof. Abdelgadir Abdalla

Dr. Omer Abdelhamid Gibreel and Prof. Abdelgadir Abdalla
National University

Purpose: This article explores the factors and barriers to e-government in Sudan from a digital transformation perspective.
Design/methodology/approach: The Approached used in this paper is based on a mixed-method case studies approach. we explore the factors and barriers to e-government servives and bridging the digital divide in Sudan and its ramification on the Sudan’s E-government sector. The paper employs the following models and theories from e-services and the digital divide perspective: the Technology Acceptance Model(TAM), Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB), and Theory of Reasoned Action (TRA) through an overarching Model called Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology(UTAUT). The paper studies the following factors from the above models and theories: E-government performance expectancy, E-government effort expectancy, E-government social influence, E-government facilitating conditions, Price Value, and behavior intention.
Findings: The paper highlights the development of e-government systems in the Sudan and looks into the factors and barriers to it development. Barriers such as internet access and digital literacy play an important role in the paper finding. The potential of E-government development in the sudan is huge so are the barrer, nonetheless recent development in the internet in the sudan paves the way for the development of e-government services in the sudan.
Original/value of the paper: the paper explores the role of e-government and the digital divide in Sudan and specifically in the higher educational sector. Previous work studied the digital divide and e-government in other MENA regions but not in Sudan and not using the above-stated factor and barriers.
Research limitations/implications: the study could have conducted further studies with a other factors and used both exploratory and confirmatory Factor Analysis to further analyze Sudan's current e-government sector
Practical implications: The paper's practical importance is that it lays the ground for further investigation into the development of e-government systems in Sudan. Considering the digital divide in Sudan, There is a need to look at the development and usage of e-government systems in Sudan from a holistic perspective shedding light on both the supply side of e-government and the demand side of how e-government is developing and shaping higher education in Sudan.
Keyword: E-government, E-services, Digital Divide, Emerging Markets, Sudan, Internet.

Aboutallam ahmed

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