(pp.224-233) S. S. Sathe ‘More development gains or more development gimmick?’, World Sustainable Development Outlook, 2004
DOI: 10.47556/B.OUTLOOK2004.2.20
Abstract: This paper focuses on the progress of India in terms of achievement of Millennium Development Goals (MDG’s) since the 1980’s. The paper shows the rural and urban development of the country using ‘development radars’. It also analyses the outcomes of the major initiatives taken by the country for development purposes. Suggestion for enhanced development in the country are put forward, offering a more effective implemented as they are more economical and of a progressive nature. The role of society, government and the corporate sector in the development and achievement of social and economic goals are also discussed. An ESAU reader is developed for speedier analysis of any development factor having a contribution to the development process.
Keywords: Development radar, economic attainment, social attainment; India