“Privatisation and women’s employment position in Sudan”, Limiaa Abdelghafar Khalfalla and Elsadig Musa Ahmed
Limiaa Abdelghafar Khalfalla National Population Council Khartoum University, Sudan Elsadig Musa Ahmed Faculty of Business Multimedia University 75450, Melaka, Malaysia elsadig1965@gmail.com and limiaa@yahoo.co.uk
DOI: 10.47556/B.OUTLOOK2018.16.22
Purpose: This paper aims to explain women’s employment status in the context of privatisation. Their position is discussed in terms of women’s employment before privatisation; discrimination against women in the labour market and work place; women’s experience of redundancy; women’s experience of job seeking; women’s responses to the changing situation after privatisation; adaptive responses women have had to mitigate their worsening economic situation in Sudan.
Design/methodology/approach: Using a qualitative analysis, the study found that women’s employment positions were harshly prejudiced by these terminations. Both groups of respondents from the bank and the factory accepted the effect of privatisation policies in a parallel manner, as the matters surfacing were connected to the roles commenced by women at the family/household level before becoming jobless. The main groups in the sample were from the Female Heads of Households (FHH) group, principally, women bankers. The other group was women sharing correspondingly in the household budget, while sole workers in a big family denotes an essential group.
Findings: The main findings were that the impact of privatisation on women’s employment status appears to be mixed. It opens employment opportunities for some women in regions where there is high economic growth, but not for many in the least developed and poor economies, such as Sudan.
Originality: In the pursuit of increased productivity and lower labour costs, privatisation not only led to increasing rates of female unemployment, but also worsened the working conditions of female employees. The limited employment opportunities in the formal sector, either in public or private domains, led women to remain unemployed for long periods of time, forcing them to look for other work alternatives, namely the informal sector.
Keywords: Privatisation; women employment position; Sudan; qualitative analysis.