“Is car-sharing a sustainable travel option in Saudi Arabia?”, Attiyah M. Al-Atawi and Waffaa Saleh
ATTIYAH M. AL-ATAWI, University of Tabuk, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
WAFAA SALEH, Edinburgh Napier University, UK
DOI: 10.47556/B.OUTLOOK2015.13.3
Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to investigate car sharing schemes in Tabuk in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and feasibility of this option.
Methodology: In this context, this paper investigates car-sharing as a mode for travel for work trips in Tabuk city. Investigation of the characteristics of trip makers which impact on the decision of selecting car-sharing as a mode of travel is presented. The paper investigates the factors which affect the decisions of car sharing in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia using the household survey data. Discrete choice modelling techniques have been adopted in this research to investigate behaviour and attitudes to car sharing and the binary logit model has been utilised.
Findings: From the results, the most popular mode of transportation which was used 2–3 times per week by males was an informal car share. This was accounting for 15.1% of all male responders. For the seldom (one or less times per week) option it was seen that the informal car share was the most common option selected by the male responders selecting this option accounting for 23.2% of all male responses within this questionnaire.
Originality: Investigation of car-sharing schemes in Saudi Arabia as a sustainable mode of transport.
Keywords: Car-sharing; Sustainable modes of travel; Saudi Arabia; Tabuk