[ 19th December 2005 by Allam 0 Comments ]

Sustainable development in a world of critical ferment, Manoranjan Sharma


The paper makes a strong case for the pursuit of sustainable development in a proper historical and comparative perspective on the basis of incontrovertible cross-country experiences. Since sustainable development has implications for life, biodiversity, environmental sustainability, inter-generational and distributive equity, it isolates and identifies causes of extinction of various forms of biodiversity, explores the role of indigenous people in sustainable development and stresses the need for the formulation of an effective strategy for environment-friendly development through common effluent treatment plants, cleaner production technologies, and environmental concerns in services, acquisition of ISO 14000, etc. The necessity of long-term planning, setting up of proper appraisal mechanisms and putting in place countervailing strategies emerges unmistakably.
Keywords: Sustainable Development, Kyoto Protocol, Biodiversity, Ecosystems, Indigenous People, Industrial Structure, Cleaner Production Technologies, ISO14000, Organisational Choices, Poverty Alleviation.

53- SHARMA-Itemid=.pdf
53- SHARMA-Itemid=.pdf
AboutAllam Ahmed

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