Entrepreneurship and sustainable environmental socio-economic development, Dr. Allam Ahmed and Prof. Ronald W. Mcquaid
Dr. Allam Ahmed
Prof. Ronald W. Mcquaid
The concept of entrepreneurship is multi-dimensional and often unclear. Various perspectives have different implications for how entrepreneurship is related to and can help promote sustainable development (SD). The key objectives of this paper are to explain different perspectives on what is meant by the term entrepreneurship in a global context and to provide an overview of SD in relation to entrepreneurship. The paper argues that it is essential that research and policy development fully takes account of the differing perspectives of entrepreneurship and make explicit the particular perspective(s) that they are taking. No single definition necessarily fully captures the concept, but by being clear about our meaning of the concept and the underlying assumptions we can progress our understanding of entrepreneurship and its relationships to SD.
Keywords: Entrepreneurship, Entrepreneur, Management, Business, Technology, Sustainable Development, Environment, Societies, Developing and Developed Countries.