(pp.027-043) P. N. Desai ‘Globalisation of innovations: India’s S&T cooperation policy towards the developing countries’, World Sustainable Development Outlook, 2011
DOI: 10.47556/B.OUTLOOK2011.9.2
Abstract: The present paper is an attempt to provide a focus on the contentious issue of globalisation of innovation process. An attempt has been made here to analyse whether the ‘globalisation process’ is likely to change the collaboration pattern or introduce any discontinuity in India’s international cooperation policy. It is observed that the unfolding of globalization has tended to change the nature, magnitude and routes of international cooperation in significant ways and new actors have emerged in terms of some developing countries. Many studies in the past have focused only on the triad countries as the cooperation efforts were confined these countries. An essential feature of this study is that the analysis is not restricted to R&D collaboration in the corporate sector but includes bilateral cooperation between different countries and also inward and outward FDI that is expected to enhance learning process.
Keywords: Globalisation, Innovation, International Cooperation, S&T