[ 1st August 2016 by Kumar Gaurav 0 Comments ]

Nutrition and dietetic services in the context of chronic kidney disease (CKD) and the need for diasporic engagement, Dr. Nahla Khalifa

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Nutrition and dietetic services in the context of chronic kidney disease (CKD) and the need for diasporic engagement, Dr. Nahla Khalifa

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Dr. Nahlaa A. Khalifa
King Abdulaziz University

AIM: (1) To evaluate the quality of nutrition and dietetics services delivered in the context of chronic kidney disease (CKD) to patients in Jeddah City. (2) To assess the involvement of Saudi emigrant dietitians in the renal setting METHODS: A descriptive, cross-sectional study with structured questionnaires for CKD units’ administrators and emigrant Saudi dietitian alumni was used.
RESULTS: Results showed that 7 (58.3%) followed “National standards”, 3 (25%) followed “International standards”, 1 (8.35%) acknowledged following “both”, and 1 (8.35%) followed “Others”. Of the total departments, all of which were private departments, 5 (41.7%) were “Not accredited at all”, 7 (58.3%) departments, including the two governmental departments and another five private, were “Nationally accredited”, and only 3 (25%) departments, including the one governmental department and another two private departments, were “Internationally accredited”. Only 4 (33.35%) departments had only “one dietician”, 2 (16.65%) had “two dieticians”, 2 (16.65%) had “three dieticians”, and 4 (33.35%) had “more than three dieticians. None of the emigrant Saudi dietitians (n=38) were involved with renal-related services.
CONCLUSIONS: CKD is considered as one of the main health problems globally and nationally. The important of dietitians and the dietetic services provided with CKD is well acknowledged in management of the disease. Nutrition services must be aware of all information of dietitians working in the facility in order to have beneficial results.
PRACTICAL IMPLICATIONS: Further studies are needed in different areas to evaluate dietetic services in the context of CKD and diaspora of Saudi dietitians, and neighbours should be engaged in order to unify the services and ensure the importance of dietetics in renal settings.
ORIGINALITY/VALUE: This is the first in-depth study evaluating nutrition and dietetics services delivered to CKD patients in renal units in Jeddah city, and the first data about the Saudi emergent dietitians practice areas.
KEYWORDS: Chronic, Kidney, Disease, CKD, Dietetic, Services, Diaspora, Saudi.


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