World Journal of Entrepreneurship, Management & Sustainable Development (WJEMSD) is a forum for academics, practitioners and policymakers from around the world to exchange concepts, research, and best practices about entrepreneurship and management. The journal aims to integrate the study of these disciplines to achieve sustainable development (SD) and help to stimulate debate amongst scholars, researchers and policymakers across the world with a view to defining common, effective responses to tomorrow’s challenges. Given the apparently contradictory needs of economic growth and environmental conservation, it comes as no surprise that the impact of the global financial crisis on SD has had such a powerful influence in contemporary discussions on the future of our world.
WJEMSD encourages Guest Editors to submit proposals for Special Issues addressing specific issue(s) of the broad theme of the journal or resulting from relevant conferences. WJEMSD will also consider themed special issues with a focus on a particular country or a region.
WJEMSD is published in partnership with the Emerald Publishing. This journal is abstracted and indexed by Thomson Reuters Emerging Sources Citation Index, Cabells Directory of Publishing Opportunities in Economics & Finance and Management, INSPEC and ranked by ABDC (Australia), and NSD (Norway) and included in Scopus.
Published by Emerald in 4 issues per year
Current Issue – Vol 15 No 2 2019
Editorial team Meet the editor Submit your article Guidelines for guest editors
ISSN: 2042-5961 (Print); 2042-597X (Online)
The latest WJEMSD articles are available to download from the Emerald Publishing website. Articles published prior to WASD’s collaboration with Emerald are still available to download from this site:
WJEMSD Vol 7, Nos 2/3/4, 2011
WJEMSD Vol 7, N1, 2011
WJEMSD Vol 6, N4, 2010
WJEMSD Vol 6, N3, 2010
WJEMSD Vol 6, N1/2, 2010
Browse all articles
WJEMSD publishes:
- Original and applied research which critically examines the inter-relationship between the natural, the governmental, the economic and the social dimensions of our world and how entrepreneurship and management can contribute to solutions.
- Fundamental and applied research on all aspects of entrepreneurship, business and management
- General and technical reviews of topical and/or controversial subjects which inform and stimulate debate.
- Conceptual or case studies which highlight the role of business, management and entrepreneurship in achieving SD.
- Book reviews and/or evaluation of other literature and multimedia information packages.
- Literature review or viewpoint on a particular topic or trend.
Subject coverage includes:
Papers can address topics theoretically or empirically through either a descriptive or critical approach. Suitable topics include but are not limited to:
- Entrepreneurship research and studies
- Role of business, management and entrepreneurship in achieving SD
- Business incubators, entrepreneurship and innovation
- Change management
- Role of multilateral institutions in SD
- Agribusiness management
- Ecotourism and sustainable tourism development
- Impact of financial crises and risks of innovation sustainability on SMEs
- Risk management
- Aviation management and transport studies
- The impact of travel, transportation and tourism on sustainability
- Political and economic governance structures: towards reform
- Youth advocacy and SD
- Changing demography of the world
- Culture and development
- New regionalisms and the changing context of global politics
- SD policies and strategies and government involvement in SD practices and regulations
- International development
- UN Millennium Development Goals (MDGs)
- Knowledge-based economy and SD
- The role of the informal sector in sustainable economic growth
- Impact and challenges of AIDS, malaria and other chronic problems on SD
World Journal of Entrepreneurship, Management and Sustainable Development is available as part of an online subscription to the Emerald Business, Management & Strategy eJournals Collection. For more information, please email or visit the Emerald Business, Management & Strategy eJournals Collection page.
Sample Article
- Corporate social responsibility, Waqf system and Zakat system as faith-based model for poverty reduction
Lukman Raimi, Ismail Adelopo, Ashok Patel
Volume: 10 Issue: 3