[ 13th December 2021 by allam ahmed 0 Comments ]

Financial Diversification & Implications of Growth Reviewing MENA economic policies, Dr. Faleh Al Rashidi, Dr. Randa Diab-Bahman, Dr. Abrar Al-Enzi

Dr. Faleh Al Rashidi
The Public Authority for Applied Education and Training (PAAET)
Dr. Randa Diab-Bahman
Kuwait College of Science and Technology (KCST)
Email: randadiab5@gmail.com

Dr. Abrar Al-Enzi
Kuwait College of Science and Technology (KCST)

Purpose: This article analyses the scope and the need for financial diversification in the Arab region and shows the current challenges and plans for countries to diversify.
Methodology: It reviews current policies and obstacles which may implicate the process of diversification, and well as re-iterates the benefits of doing so in both the short and long term and the need to consider economic diversity for sustainability.
Implications: As oil and gas prices fluctuate and shrink in the global markets and the remaining resources are depleted, relying on other sectors has become the vision for the progress of MENA countries. Some have accepted the challenges and invested in developing their infrastructure, as and other parts of their economies while, others in the region are yet to take action. This research will aid in developing efficient policies aligned with global indices.
Limitations: The research used pre-existing information from multiple sources and did not have access to uniform comparisons between countries selected.
Findings: Finally, the article concludes with recommendations for policy makers to consider for a positive trajectory in financial diversification and overall economic growth.
Keywords: Financial Diversification, MENA, GCC, Policy, Economic Development, Sustainable Development.

WJEMSD V18 N6 2022 Alrashidi et al.pdf
WJEMSD V18 N6 2022 Alrashidi et al.pdf
Aboutallam ahmed

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