The Power of Deoxyribonucleic Acid and Bio-robotics in Creating New Global Revolution, Melaku Kasegn, Hailay Gebremedhn, Ashenafi Yaekob and Etsay Mesele
Melaku Mekonen Kasegn, Hailay Mehari Gebremedhn, Ashenafi Teklay Yaekob and Etsay Mesele
Department of Biotechnology, Mekelle University
The fourth industrial revolution is ushering in a new era for AI, big data, and omnipresent robots. The breakthrough in biotechnology, particularly the deep understanding of the genome, has led to the emergence of bio-robotics. DNA, which contains all genetic information, is used in bigdata storage in a way similar to that of silicon chips. This has enabled the creation of DNA-based and DNA-encoded machines necessary for developing bio-robotics capable of mimicking human intelligence and performing human-like actions and beyond. Bio-robotics has the potential to bridge the gap between humans and machines. The advancement of genetic engineering and 3D/4D bio-printing technologies has made biotechnology’s application far-reaching. This has paved the way for synthetic biology using the central dogma of molecular biology, to produce automated or bio-robot-assisted life-made products. Despite the important role of biologics in modern biotechnological endeavors, bio-robotics also poses some risks that necessitate cautiousness, particularly in certain areas. Therefore, it is crucial to thoroughly investigate future advancements in robotics and develop clear legal and ethical procedures to ensure the harmonious coexistence of Society in the 5.0 industrial revolution with automated industries and biotechnology research. Overall, bio-robotics is an up-and-coming field with the potential to transform many aspects of our lives. However, it is critical to be aware of the potential risks and take proactive measures to tackle upcoming challenges. Most importantly, bio-robotics should never be allowed to operate beyond human control.
Keywords: DNA; Bio-printing; Bio-robotics; Synthetic Biology; DNA computation; Biorobots-ethics.